Draped Mesh

A photo of draped mesh over a rock cut along a highway
A photo of a trained scaler installing draped mesh over a roadside hill
A photo of draped mesh over a rock cut along a highway

With over a million square feet of mesh laid, Triptych Construction is your only choice for draped mesh systems.

Combined with our experienced rope-access technicians and the ability to drill in any location and all ground conditions, there is no job we cannot handle to provide safety to pedestrians, commuters, or other contractors working near hazards.

Draped mesh systems help control the fall of unforeseen rockfalls by containing the rock and guiding it into the toe of a slope as opposed to the road or walkway becoming a hazard in all cases.

A photo of a trained scaler installing draped mesh over a road cut next to a highway
A photo of installing draped mesh over a road cut along a highway
A photo of a trained workers installing draped mesh over a road cut next to a highway
A photo of installed draped mesh over a road cut along a highway